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Tips For A Safe Halloween

October 23, 2019

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Halloween is a fun night for many families. Dressing up and getting candy is one of the highlights of the year. It’s important to build good memories with your kids, and make sure everyone stays safe. Check out our tips for keeping your kids safe this Halloween.

1. Place reflective strips or fabric on costumes or trick-or-treat bags.
Using reflective strips will help motorists and other pedestrians see your kids and keep them safe on darker or busy streets.

2. Consider ditching a plastic mask and using non-toxic face paint or makeup instead.
Masks can block areas of eyesight. Test all paint on a small patch of skin ahead of time to make sure there are no adverse reactions.

3. Review emergency contact information with your children and how to call 911 if it is necessary.
Check that kids know or have your phone number in case they get lost or separated from the group. Go over situations where they could need to call 911 and what to say to the operator.

4. Have a flashlight with fresh batteries for trick-or-treating children and adults.
Make sure to have some sort of light for members of the trick-or-treating party. If a child does not want to carry a flashlight, see if they will hold glow sticks instead.

5. Only go to homes with porch lights on.
A porch light is a commonly known signal of homes open to having trick-or-treaters. Remind children to only knock on the doors with the porch light on. Homes without the porch light on generally mean they do not want to be disturbed.

6. Never enter a home or car for a treat.
Remind kids that they should never enter a house or car to get a treat. Tell them the best way to remove themselves from that situation and inform law enforcement if necessary.

7. Cross the street at corners using traffic lights and crosswalks.
Only cross roads at corners with traffic lights or crosswalks to make sure that drivers see your trick-or-treating group and maximize safety.

8. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.
If crossing the street at a crosswalk without a traffic light, make eye contact with any drivers near the intersection.

9. Always walk on the sidewalks.
Use sidewalks to stay away from any busy roads. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as you can.

10. Leave electronic devices in a pocket or bag and pay attention to your surroundings.
Stay aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on any rowdy children. Keep your phone in your pocket to lower any chance of distraction.

Halloween is filled with goblins and ghouls, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be unsafe. Following these tips will help you and your family stay safe, and have fun while collecting treats.


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