My name is Dave Johnson
My name is Dave Johnson and I have been with the Credit Union for over eight years now. I am the Senior Branch Manager at the Downtown, Logan office. My job is to help our members save money and help them recognize ways to do it. One of the best ways I have found is through our incredible insurance program. I get to work with you as your insurance agent and find more ways to keep you protected and keep the costs low. I am known for being able to help our members improve their circumstances even in difficult situations. I have also been one of the Credit Union's top mortgage originators. So, let me help you in any way I can. I have now been in Cache Valley for over 20 years. Before I came to Utah State, I grew up in Colorado where I learned to love golf, basketball, and the mountains. My wife Carrie and I have been married for over fifteen years. Together we have three handsome boys, and one daddy's little girl. I enjoy watching and playing sports (especially when it is the Jazz or the Aggies), gardening, yoga, and spending time with my family. ''Yo hablo espanol!''
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