View DetailsWhat is the Routing and Transit Number?
The routing and transit number is 3243 7761 3
View DetailsWhat job openings are available at USUCU?
You can find a list of open positions by visiting our <a href="/careers/">Careers page</a>.
View DetailsHow can I retrieve my account number?
To retrieve your account number, please contact us through the online branch, call the contact center at 1-800-248-6361, or stop into a branch to get a membership card.
View DetailsHow do I change my address?
You can change your address through your home banking or stop into any branch.
View DetailsHow do I update my phone number, e-mail address, or physical address?
To change your contact information select your name in the upper right-hand corner, from the dropdown select "Settings." Click the "Contact" tab to update addressess, phone numbers, and email addresses.
View DetailsHow are my funds insured?
Your savings federally insured to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency. IRAs are federally insured to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.
View DetailsWhere is the repo lot located?
The repo lot is located at 147 26th Ogden, UT 84401
View DetailsWhat are the dates of the quarter for withdrawing out of the Flex Certificate?
The first three business days of July, October, January and April
View DetailsCan I stop a check from going through?
To stop a check from going through, you will need to create a stop pay request. From your dashboard select "Check Services" and then "New Stop Pay Request." You will need to enter in the account and check number. This transaction will charge a $10.00 fee.
View DetailsIf I see a charge on my account that I did not make, what can I do?
We can now do Visa disputes through online banking using the following steps:
View DetailsHow can I transfer funds out of my Certificate?
You can call or go into the branch. You cannot do this online.
View DetailsI can’t order checks online, what do I do?
You need to contact our Call Center or go into a branch.
View DetailsWhat is a Destination ID?
The destination ID designates the share or loan number. (i.e., Primary Shares is 01 and Free Checking is normally 90)
View DetailsMint.com is asking for my second password but I don’t have one.
Instructions on allowing Mint to access your account.
View DetailsAllowing third-party websites and apps to access your account
Instructions on how to allow third-party companies like Mint, QuickBooks, Quicken, Yodlee, and others to access your account.
USU Credit Union - a division of Goldenwest